以豫烟10号为材料,分析了不同施肥模式对烤烟土壤理化性状及土壤微生物数量的影响。结果表明:在烟株生育过程中大部分时期,优质烟叶生产技术施肥模式和优质高效生产技术施肥模式土壤含水量高于常规生产技术施肥模式和烟叶丰产技术施肥模式,而容重低于此2种施肥模式。各处理土壤速效氮、速效磷、速效钾及有机质总体变化为先升高后降低的趋势,在移栽30-50 d达到最高,p H变化不明显;优质烟叶生产技术施肥模式和优质高效生产技术施肥模式土壤速效氮、速效磷、速效钾及有机质含量较高。各处理土壤中细菌、真菌和放线菌数量均随移栽天数增加呈单峰曲线变化,且在60 d左右达到最高峰;优质烟叶生产技术施肥模式和优质高效生产技术施肥模式土壤微生物数量总体高于其他处理。
Flue- cured tobacco variety Yuyan No. 10 was used as experimental material,and the effects of different fertilization modes on the physicochemical properties and microbial quantity of tobacco- planting soil in central Henan were studied. The results indicated that: in most period of tobacco growth period,the soil moisture content of good- quality tobacco leaf production technology fertilization mode( GQFM) and good- quality high- efficient production technology fertilization mode( GQHEFM) was higher than that of conventional production technology fertilization mode( CFM) and high- yielding production technology fertilization mode( HYFM),while the soil bulk density of GQFM and GQHEFM was lower than that of the latter two fertilization modes.The contents of available nitrogen,available phosphorus,available potassium and organic matter in soil of all treatments generally showed the changing trend of rising at first and then reduction,and reached a peak during 30 - 50 days after transplanting. The soil p H- value in tobacco growth period had no obvious change. The contents of available nitrogen,available phosphorus,available potassium and organic matter in soil of GQFM and GQHEFM were higher. The quantity of bacteria,fungi and actinomycetes in soil of various treatments all revealed a single- peak change along with the increase in day number after transplanting,and reached the highest value on about the 60 th day after transplanting. The soil microbial quantity of GQFM and GQHEFM was generally higher than that of other fertilization modes.
Acta Agriculturae Jiangxi
Fertilization mode