采用D-H法建立SCARA型机器人坐标系,在该坐标系内完成机器人末端位置、速度、加速度的正逆推导。基于Matlab/Sim Mechanics建立机器人运动学模型。在笛卡尔空间对机器人末端规划一段直线,将该直线轨迹数据导入运动学模型进行运动仿真,通过仿真结果验证机器人运动学正逆推导结果的正确性。在关节空间对机器人末端在两点之间的运动轨迹进行规划,并对规划结果的有效性进行仿真验证。
The coordinate of SCARA robot was established based on the D-H method, in which the forward and inverse kinematics of the robot had been derived. The kinematics model of SCARA robot was established based on Matlab/Sim Mechanics software. A straight trajectory was planned for SCARA robot's end in the Cartesian space and the straight trajectory data was put into the kinematics model for trajectory simulation, and the correctness of forward and inverse kinematics were verified by the simulation results. The trajectory between two points in Cartesian space was planned in joint space, and the validity of the planning trajectory was verified by the simulation results.
Modern Manufacturing Technology and Equipment