Objective:To analyze the clinical value of ambroxol in treatment of asthmatic bronchitis.Meth-ods:Select 80 cases of patients with asthmatic bronchitis received during the period from April 2012 to April 2014 and make clinical research on them.Randomly divide them into the control group and the study group. Treat the control group with conventional treatments and the study group with ambroxol along with conven-tional treatments.Compare the clinical effect of the two groups.Results:The total effective rate of the study group group was obviously higher than that of the control group,and the difference between the two group was statistically significant(P<0.05).None of the patients in both group showed any serious adverse reac-tion.Compared with the control group,signs and symptoms like cough ,wheezy phlegm,gasp,rale and wheezing disappeared earilier in the study group.The difference was statistically significant.Conclusion:It is effective to treat the asthmatic bronchitis with the adj uvant of ambroxol,thus patients'symptoms and signs would disappear earlier.It is clinically valuable.
Journal of Mathematical Medicine