
复合壳聚糖保鲜液膜对冷鲜牛肉保鲜的研究 被引量:27

Preservative Effect of Treatment with Different Composite Chitosan Coatings on Storage of Chilled Beef
摘要 目的通过涂膜对牛肉进行保鲜,将质量浓度为10 g/L的4种天然植物精油(迷迭香精油、葡萄籽油、茴香籽精油及柠檬精油)添加到壳聚糖与玉米醇溶蛋白的复合涂膜保鲜液中,研究其在贮藏过程中对冷鲜牛肉的品质影响。方法通过测定牛肉的汁液流失率、p H值、TVB-N值、菌落总数和TBA值等指标,对牛肉品质进行综合评价来说明不同涂膜处理的保鲜效果。结果含质量浓度均为10 g/L的柠檬精油和葡萄籽精油的复合保鲜液对牛肉的保鲜效果最佳。结论使用包含柠檬精油和葡萄籽精油的质量浓度分别为10 g/L的复合保鲜液可对牛肉在温度为(4±1)℃的条件下保藏牛肉20 d以上。 The preservative effects of treatment with chitosan/zein composite coatings enriched with four different essential oil(rosemary essential oil, grape seed oil, fennel seed oil, and lemon essential oil) on the storage quality of chilled beef were investigated. The drop loss, p H value, total volatile basis nitrogen value, total plate count, and thiobarbituric acid value were tracked and analyzed to comprehensively judge the preservative effects of treatment with different coatings. The composite preservation solution containing 10 g/L lemon essential oil and 10 g/L grape seed oil exhibited the best preservative effect on chilled beef. Rump beef that treated with the composite preservation solution containing 10 g/L lemon essential oil and 10 g/L grape seed oil could be kept for over 20 days under the condition of(4±1) ℃.
机构地区 上海海洋大学
出处 《包装工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第5期21-25,共5页 Packaging Engineering
基金 国家高技术研究发展863计划基金(2012AA0992301)
关键词 牛肉 玉米醇溶蛋白 壳聚糖 天然植物精油 涂膜保鲜 beef zein chitosan natural essential oil coating preservation
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