
“两面器技术”源流小考 被引量:8

On the Origin of the "Technology of Bifacial Tools"
摘要 “两面器技术”是史前人类的一项重要的石器技术传统,可谓源远流长。本文把两面器技术的发展分为早期、中期、晚期和末期四个阶段。两面器技术的早期始于170万年左右,出现在东非,以西图尔卡那湖地区Koliselei4遗址为代表..两面器技术的中期大约始于距今100万年,以“大石片阿舍利”技术传统为标志,以肯尼亚奥罗格赛利(Olorgesailie)遗址和奥杜威峡谷Bed IV和Masek Beds为代表,并在非洲、西亚等广泛传播。两面器技术的晚期大约始于距今60~50万年,该阶段黎凡特地区和北非的大石片阿舍利传统消失,欧洲比利牛斯山以外发现了最早的阿舍利,但与“大石片阿舍利”明显不同。到了“后阿舍利时代”,两面器技术进入末期,但在莫斯特文化和索鲁特文化等之中作为一项重要的文化因素依然存在。在东亚和北美,两面器技术直到旧一新过渡阶段和新石器时代依然长盛不衰。两面器技术从早到晚历经硬锤修理、软锤修理和压制修理等演变过程,其形态从早到晚表现出小型化和多样化的趋势,这背后则反映了石器功能和人群流动性的变化。 "Biface technology" has a long history in prehistory. The paper indentifies four phases of the development of this technology. The production of biface began around 1.7 Ma B.P. in the site such as Koliselei 4 in East Africa. The middle phase of biface technology is characterized by "Large flake Acheulian" which appeared about 1. 0 Ma B.P. and developed in Olorgesailie, Olduvai Bed IV and Masek Beds, and was widely spread in Africa and West Asia. The late phase of the biface technology began around 0.6 -0.5 Ma B. P. , when the "Large flake Acheulian" of the Levant and North Africa disappeared and the earliest Acheulian in Europe was found beyond the Pyrenees. Toward the end of biface technology, it continued to be a technology element in the later periods such as Mousterian, Solutrean, and even during the Paleolithie-Neoliehic transieion and in the Neolithic in East Asia and North America. In terms of techonology operation, the development of biface production during the great span of time can be seen in the change of retouch pattern, and is documented in the decrease of the size and the diversification of final product, indicating the change of the tool function and group mobility.
出处 《华夏考古》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期18-25,共8页 Huaxia Archaeology
基金 国家社科基金重大项目(项目编号:11&ZD120)资助
关键词 两面器技术 操作链 类型学 文化传播 biface technology Chaine Operatoire typology diffusion
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