
关系风险对中小企业合作创新知识共享的影响研究——关系收益的调节作用 被引量:5

The Impact of Relational Risk on Knowledge Sharing of SMEs Cooperative Innovation—Moderating by Relational Benefits
摘要 以组织间关系理论、知识管理理论为依据,探讨中小企业合作创新过程中的关系风险与知识共享的关系问题,并引入关系收益作为调节变量,深入探析中小企业合作创新过程中伴随的关系风险对知识共享的影响机理。实证结果表明,关系风险对中小企业合作创新知识共享具有显著地负向影响,关系收益能够有效调节二者之间的关系。 Cooperative innovation as an open,collaborative and sharing innovation mode has become an important way to improve independent innovation capability of SMEs in the national innovation- driven background. Relational risk directly affects the quality and sharing level of SMEs' cooperation innovation knowledge sharing. Based on inter- organizational relationship and knowledge management theory,we investigate the interaction relationship between relational risk and knowledge,and then introduce relational benefits as moderating variables. We provide empirical evidence using SEM methods to test the model,and conclude that relational risks have significant negative influence on knowledge sharing; relational benefits have positive moderating function between their relations.
出处 《科技管理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第6期156-161,共6页 Science and Technology Management Research
基金 教育部人文社会科学基金项目"协同创新驱动中小企业升级的机理与路径研究"(13YJCZH132) 辽宁工业大学教师科研启动基金项目"组织间关系管理对IT外包接包成功的影响机理研究"(X201322) 辽宁省社会科学规划基金项目"基于创新驱动战略的辽宁制造业转型升级的路径研究"(L14BGL021)
关键词 关系风险 知识共享 关系收益 中小企业 合作创新 relational risk knowledge sharing relational benefits SMEs cooperative innovation
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