
适应山头地形的无线传感器网络三维定位机制 被引量:2

3D localization mechanism for WSNs adapt to mountain terrain
摘要 使用三维DV-Hop算法对无线传感器进行定位时,存在定位误差较大且不稳定的问题,使三维DV-Hop算法的实际应用能力较差。提出了适应山头地形的无线传感器网络(WSNs)非测距三维定位算法。应用山头地形的特点,将最小二乘法所求得的结果进行投影处理,大幅度提高了定位的精确度。在模拟山头地形的环境中进行仿真实验,相对定位误差为35%左右,比三维DV-Hop算法的相对定位误差有较大幅度的降低,有较高的实用价值。 When using 3D DV-Hop algorithm to locate wireless sensors,problems of large localization error and instability exist,which make practical application ability of DV-Hop algorithm poor. Propose non-ranging 3D localization algorithm for wireless sensor networks( WSNs) which adapt to mountain terrain. Results obtained by least squares method is projected according to characteristics of hill terrain,dramatically increases accuracy of localization. Relative localization error is about 35 % which is tested in simulated environment. There is a substantial reduction in relative localization error than 3D DV-Hop algorithm and it has high practical value.
出处 《传感器与微系统》 CSCD 2015年第3期148-150,153,共4页 Transducer and Microsystem Technologies
基金 江西省教育厅资助项目(GJJ10492)
关键词 无线传感器网络 三维DV-Hop 山头地形 投影 wireless sensor networks(WSNs) 3D DV-Hop mountain terrain projection
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