
重症监护室护理人员谵妄预防集束护理依从性的调查研究 被引量:10

Investigation on compliance of nursing personnel to cluster nursing of delirium prevention in ICU
摘要 [目的]了解重症监护室(ICU)护理人员对谵妄预防集束化护理的依从性,探讨其影响因素及改善措施。[方法]根据谵妄的主要临床预防措施自行设计调查表,对ICU护理人员37人进行问卷调查。[结果]护理人员的谵妄预防集束化护理平均依从性为86.90%;在12个护理项目中多与病人交流,鼓励病人沟通的依从性最差为71.43%。护理人员认为依从性低的主要因素是知道重要但没有时间、认为不重要、懒得做、环境因素、病人因素/疾病因素。[结论]应该改善目前监护室护理人员配置,加强集束护理知识的教育培训,增强护理人员的工作责任心和慎独精神,从而提高集束护理的依从性。 Objective:To know about the nursing personnel's compnance on cluster nursing of delirium preven-tion in ICU,and probe into the influerming factors and improvements. Methods: A total of 37 nursing personnel in ICU received the questionnaires by using self- designed questionnaire according to the main clinical preven- tions of delirium. Results:The nursing personnel^s average compliance on cluster nursing of delirium prevention was 86.90%;in 12 nursing items, the compliance on often communication with patients and encouraging pa- tients' communication was the worst,was 71. 43%. Nursing personnel thought that the main factors of low compliance was know that was important but without time, thinking it not important, too lazy to do, environ- mental factor, patient factor and disease factor. Conclusion:It should improve the current nursing personnel allo- cation in ICU, strengthen the education training of cluster nursing knowledge for them,enhance the sense of re- sponsibility and Shendu spirit of nursing personnel,and then to improve the compliance of nursing personnel to cluster nursing.
作者 胡艳
出处 《全科护理》 2015年第5期396-399,共4页 Chinese General Practice Nursing
关键词 谵妄 集束护理 护理人员 依从性 delirium cluster nursing nursing personnel compliance
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