
糖尿病教育厨房模式对住院糖尿病病人的干预研究 被引量:2

Study on intervention of diabetes education kitchen model for inpatient with diabetes mellitus
摘要 [目的]评价实施糖尿病教育厨房模式2周后对糖尿病控制的效果。[方法]设计随机对照实验,将112例自愿参加本研究的糖尿病病人随机分为观察组和对照组各56例。对照组护理人员以口头、文字、图片等形式进行饮食教育,观察组经营养师等专业人员亲自授课、现场烹饪法对其进行饮食教育。干预2周后对血糖、身体质量指数(BMI)及饮食得分指标进行组内和组间比较。[结果]两组病人干预后的各项指标较前改善,两组病人各项指标比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。[结论]糖尿病教育厨房模式对糖尿病控制有明显的干预效果。 Objective: To evaluate the effect of implementation of diabetes education kitchen model for two weeks on diabetes controlling. Methods: Randomized controlled trials was designed and a total of 112 patients with diabetes mellitus who volunteered to participate in this study were randomly divided into experimental group and control group,56 cases in each. The patients in control group received diet education by nursing personnel in oral,writing,pictures and other forms,while the patients in experimental group received diet education by nutritionist and other professionals taught themselves and lived cooking method. And then the blood glucose,body mass index( BMI) and diet score index were compared between groups and within groups after two weeks intervention. Results: The patients' all indexes were improved after intervention in two groups and the difference between two groups were statistically significant( P〈0. 05). Conclusion: Diabetes education kitchen model have significant intervention effect for diabetes mellitus controlling.
出处 《全科护理》 2015年第6期489-490,共2页 Chinese General Practice Nursing
关键词 糖尿病 厨房模式 效果评价 diabetes mellitus kitchen model effect evaluation
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