文章基于Saa S(Software as a Service)模式理念,以国内现行IT服务运维系统为研究对象,以ITSS为基础,进行统一研究与分析,构建了统一平台下支持多类型用户使用的基于Saa S模式的IT运维平台。该平台为用户提供符合国家标准的IT服务运维平台,可以节省大量用于购买硬件设备、技术支持和维护运行的资金。并且使得原来分散在不同区域多个机构孤立的信息有了信息共享的条件,使得用户能对分散在不同地方的IT系统进行控制、并及时了解相关信息。
Based on concept of SaaS (Software as a Service) mode, this paper studies the current domestic IT maintenance services and presents SaaS-based IT operation and maintenance service platform based on ITSS standard, which supports multiple users under a unified platform. The application of this platform can reduce the cost of hardware, technical support as well as operation and maintenance. Besides, the unified plafform makes it possible to share the information within different organization in different area, therefore, to have better control on those IT systems and get updated information in time.
Computer & Network