近日,由中国纺织工业联合会主办的2015中国纺织品服装贸易展览会(巴黎)暨巴黎国际服装服饰采购展(CTAF/APP Paris)在巴黎布尔歇展览中心开幕,并同期同馆举办的还有欧洲知名的Texworld服装面料展。除传统的江浙纺织重地之外,四川、福建、内蒙古的企业也积极参展,展品涵盖了正装、职业装、晚装、休闲装、运动装、泳装和配饰等多个领域,给欧洲买家提供了更多的选择。
Recently, sponsored by China Textile Industry Association, 2015 China Textile and Apparel Trade Fair( Paris) cum Paris International Clothing Sourcing Fair(CTAF / APP Paris) was held at the Paris Le Bourget exhibition Center and Museum which organized the same period in Europe as well as Texworld Fabric Show.In addition to the traditional powerhouse of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, textile enterprises in Sichuan, Fujian, Inner Mongolia are also actively participating, exhibits covering many areas formal wear, business wear, evening wear, casual wear, sportswear, swimwear and accessories, etc., providing European buyers more choices.