
分析电压质量对分布式电源渗透率影响的多分辨率模型与方法(英文) 被引量:10

Multi-resolution Model and Methodology for Analyzing the Impact of Voltage Quality on Maximum Penetration Level of Distributed Generation
摘要 如何考虑电压质量对分布式电源最大渗透率水平的影响成为实现大规模分布式电源安全并网的关键问题。目前大部分研究集中于如何分析静态电压升高对渗透率的影响,而分布式电源对动态电压质量造成的影响却研究甚少。首先建立能够系统、动态地描述电压质量的二维多分辨率模型,并进一步提出动态电压质量对分布式电源最大渗透率水平影响的分析方法。最后将其应用于IEEE 34节点的算例中,结果表明:在确定分布式电源最大允许渗透率水平时必须考虑动态电压质量的影响。 In order to interconnect large-scale distributed generations to utility distribution systems, one of the key issues is how to consider the impact of voltage quality on maximum penetration level. Most researches mainly focused on the impact of steady-state voltage rise. However, dynamic voltage quality caused by distributed generation (DG) has hardly been discussed. In this paper, a two-dimensional multi-resolution model was proposed, which could provide systematic and dynamic descriptions of voltage quality. And then a methodology was presented to analyze the impact of dynamic voltage quality on maximum penetration level. Finally, all of them were applied in the IEEE 34 node test feeder. Simulation results show that consideration of dynamic voltage quality is indispensable while the maximum allowable penetration level of DG is being determined.
出处 《中国电机工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2015年第6期1306-1313,共8页 Proceedings of the CSEE
基金 Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(51377148)~~
关键词 分布式电源 配电系统 电压质量 最大渗透率边界 多分辨率模型 distributed generation distribution system voltage quality maximum penetration level multi-resolution model
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