
数字环境下期刊论文的深度揭示——以“Article of the Future”为例 被引量:6

Academic articles in digital environment: case study of “article of the future”
摘要 【目的】探讨数字环境下学术文章如何最大化地利用数字出版优势,为用户带来最佳使用体验。【方法】基于爱思唯尔"Article of the Future"项目进行案例分析,详细介绍其理念、项目设计和开展情况、文章呈现方式和项目发展路径。【结果】阐明online环境下学术文章的呈现方式,发现主要从文章结构化、碎片化、文本挖掘和关联、语义增强以及附加丰富的扩展信息等方面对文章进行深度揭示,使学术文章的呈现更加生动和丰富。【结论】数字环境下的学术文章应该"born digital",并充分考虑后续的标注和关联,单一的纸本文章PDF化将逐步退出历史舞台。 [Purpose] This article set out to highlight hownewtechnologies have changed the way to present the academic articles,and maximize the advantages of digital publishing to bring the best experience for users. [Methodology]The"Article of the Future"project was analyzed to explore better ways to create and deliver the formal published record,including the project concept,presentation of the articles,and project development path. [Findings] The prototype that incorporated a newly developed article format was introduced. It's found that the hierarchical presentation of text and figures, text mining and linking, semantic enhancement,and one-click access to relevant primary data make the article "alive". [Conclusions] The academic articles in the digital environment should be "born digital",and initiative to revolutionize the traditional linear format to make themselves more dynamic and user-friendly.
出处 《中国科技期刊研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期291-295,共5页 Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals
关键词 爱思唯尔 ARTICLE of the FUTURE 数字出版平台 online出版 Elsevier Article of the future Digital publishing platform Online publishing
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