
基于公交站台倚靠架的通用设计定量研究 被引量:1

Quantitative Analysis Method of Universal Design:an Example on Bus Stop Lean Frame
摘要 通用设计方法是建立在定性分析的基础上,长期以来国内针对通用设计的研究还停留在定性研究方式上,在一定程度上还未用量化的方式去研究通用设计,在理论分析中很难提供有说服性的数据与结论。文中提出采用通用性指数R通用性,并以公交站台倚靠架为例,建立设计模型与目标函数,采用层次分析法划分目标函数中可控变量、非可控变量以及目标特征值。通过实测数据拟合分析求出目标特征值范围,利用蒙特卡罗法求得设计方案的通用性指数R。通过对比评价发现将倚靠架支撑高度设置为0.5 m、0.7 m和0.9m三个高度时,适应概率最大(通用性指数R最大),通用性最好。此定量分析方法对通用设计有指导意义。 The research on universal design method is based on qualitative analysis,yet less quantitative approaches are carried out to study the universal design,thus in the theoretical analysis it is difficult to provide persuasive data and conclusions. This paper proposed the universal index R to evaluate universality of design. Taking the bus stop lean frame as the design object,creating the design model and the objective function,the Analytic Hierarchy Process( AHP) was used to analyze to determine the controllable variables. non- controllable variables and their objectives eigenvalues With the analysis of the measured data,the target eigenvalues range were obtained The adapt probability of design was solved using the Monte Carlo method to calculate: the bus stop lean frame was in turn divided into three- sections,0. 5 ± 0. 025 m,0. 7 ± 0. 0025 m and 0. 9 ± 0. 025 m,which meant maximum universality The quantitative analysis method has guiding significance for Universal Design.
出处 《人类工效学》 2015年第1期42-46,共5页 Chinese Journal of Ergonomics
基金 成都市工业设计产业研究中心"基于蒙特卡罗法的通用设计研究(GY-BYB-22)"
关键词 通用设计 蒙特卡罗法 通用性指数 公交站台 靠倚 职业工效 quantitative analysis of universal design monte carlo method universal index bus stop lean ffam
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