

Influence of HLA typing on renal allograft function in patients receiving kidney from same donor
摘要 目的研究接受同一供者供肾的成对的患者,HLA错配数对移植肾功能的影响。方法对2008年前接受同一供者供肾的患者171对(342例),于近期观察肾其功能(血肌酐/尿素氮)。HLA分型采用美国One-Lambda公司和美国GTl公司提供的SSP-HLA分型试剂。血肌酐/尿素氮检测数据由该院检验科提供。结果在171对肾移植术后患者中,HLA错配数小于等于4者,共162例,其中107例肾功能良好,55例肾功能下降或丧失;HLA错配数大于4者,共180例,其中84例肾功能良好,96例肾功能下降或丧失;HLA错配数小于等于4和大于4,两者对移植肾功能的影响比较,差异有统计学意义(χ2=12.22,P<0.05)。结论良好的HLA配型对移植肾长期存活具有重要意义。 Objective To investigate the influences of HLA mismatching on renal function in the kidney transplant patients receiving pairs of allograft from the same donor.Methods 171 pairs of renal transplant patients receiving the kidneys from the same donors were investigated.They were admitted in our hospital before 2008.Their human leukocyte antigens(HLA)were typed with the commercial polymerase chain reaction(PCR)-sequence-specific primers(SSP)HLA typing kit(One Lambda,Inc.,USA;and GTI Diagnostics,USA).The serum creatinine(SCr)and blood urea nitrogen(BUN)were measured in the clinical laboratory of our hospital.Results Among 171 pairs of renal transplant patients,there were 162 recipients with HLA mismatch≤4,in which the renal function was remained stable in 107 recipients and lost or decreased in 55 patients.There were 180 recipients with HLA mismatch 〉4,in which the renal function was stayed normal in 84 recipients and lost or decreased in 96 patients.The difference in influencing the renal function between the HLA mismatch≤4and HLA mismatch〉4 had statistical significance(χ^2=12.22,P〈0.05).Conclusion Excellent HLA typing match has important significance for renal long term survival.
出处 《国际检验医学杂志》 CAS 2015年第5期577-578,共2页 International Journal of Laboratory Medicine
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(81273271)
关键词 肾移植 HLA错配 肾功能 renal transplant HLA mismatch renal function
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