目的探索一种从福尔马林固定石蜡包埋组织(formalin-fixed para-ffin-embedded tissues,FFPET)中提取基因组DNA的简便、快速、重复性好方法。方法将传统二甲苯脱腊法与DNA提取试剂盒结合,设计一种改良的基因组DNA提取方法,从石蜡包埋结直肠癌标本中提取基因组DNA,并用琼脂糖凝胶电泳法和聚合酶链式反应(Polymerase Chain Reaction,PCR)进行鉴定。结果二甲苯脱腊法联合DNA提取试剂盒可获取目标组DNA,经PCR扩增后,可得到清晰126bp目标产物。结论二甲苯脱腊法联合DNA提取试剂盒可获取目标组DNA,具有简便、快速、重复性好的优点,是一种从石蜡包埋结直肠癌组织中提取基因组DNA的有效途径。
Objective To explore a simple,rapid and reproducible genomic DNA preparation method from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue(formalin-fixed para-ffin-embedded tissues,FFPET).Methods Combining the traditional de-waxing by dimethylbenzene with DNA extraction kit,extracting genomic DNA from paraffin-embedded colorectal cancer specimens,and checking the quality of DNA by agarose gel electrophoresis and polymerase chain reaction detection.Results The targetting group DNA could be got by this method,and the 126 bp object product could be obtained clearly through polymerase chain reaction.Conclusion The method of combining the traditional de-waxing by dimethylbenzene with DNA extraction kit can obtain targeted genomic DNA,possessing simple,rapid,reproducible advantages and convenient to obtain genomic DNA from paraffin embedded tissues.
Journal of Colorectal & Anal Surgery