
广州地区低纬电离层TEC扰动与两次强地震的关系研究 被引量:1

The Relation of TEC Perturbations of Low-latitude Ionosphere in Guangzhou Region and Two Strong Earthquakes
摘要 利用广州地区GPS-TEC监测网获得的TEC数据,分析了两次7.0级以上地震与低纬电离层TEC扰动存在的可能联系。对TEC的时序分析表明:两次地震发生前TEC的日变幅度均出现下降。但两次地震异常之间存在一定差异。台湾南部邻海7.2级地震前10 d内出现了负异常和正异常,但汶川8.0级地震前8 d和后6d内只出现负异常。此外,还讨论了低层电离层TEC扰动与地磁活动及热层动力学之间可能存在的联系。 This paper investigated the possible relation of the TEC perturbations of low-latitude ionosphere and two M7.0 earthquakes,by using total electron content(TEC) data monitored from the Guangzhou GPS-TEC network. The analysis of time series of TEC showed that the daily ranges of TEC decreased before both earthquakes. But there were a few differences in anomalies between the two earthquakes. There were negative as well as positive anomalies within 10 days before the M7.2 southern Taiwan offshore earthquake,but there were only negative anomalies within 8 days before and 6 days after the M8.0 Wenchuan earthquake. The paper alsodiscussed the causes of the perturbations,and possible associations with geomagnetic activity and thermospheric dynamics.
出处 《华南地震》 2014年第4期1-8,共8页 South China Journal of Seismology
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划) 空间灾害性天气对通信和电力系统影响的监测技术(2012AA121002)联合资助
关键词 地震信息 社会服务 地震安全 震害防御 Total electron content(TEC) Southern Taiwan offshore earthquake Wenchuan earthquake Equatorial ionization anomaly(EIA)
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