

Seismic observation under cold environment
摘要 在野外进行地震监测是地震学的基础工作。地震监测设备的设计工作温度一般在-20℃以上,但高纬高寒地区冬季环境温度往往低于此温度。参照国外经验,基于我们在南极内陆和我国长白山低温地震监测的工作经历,对如何做好低温条件下的天然地震监测进行介绍。实践证明,对地震记录仪和电池等实施被动保温非常必要,持续供电能力则是连续地震监测工作成败的关键。 Observation by seismograph is a basic work in seismology. Working temperature of seis- mograph is mostly -20℃, however, the environment temperature in most high-latitude or high-altitude regions in the winter is lower than the working temperature. In this paper, we introduced how to do seismic observation in a cold environment on the base of experiences from other countries and on the basis of our practices during seismic observations in Antarc- tica and Changbai Mountain, China. Passive thermal insulation on seismic datalogger and battery is an essential treatment; Capacity of power supply is another key factor determining whether seismic observation can succeed.
出处 《地震地磁观测与研究》 2014年第5期144-150,共7页 Seismological and Geomagnetic Observation and Research
基金 国土资源部公益性行业专项(编号:201211095-3) 国家自然科学基金(批准号:NSFC-40874021)
关键词 地震监测 地震台 低温条件 长白山 南极 seismic observations, seismic station, cold environment, Changbai Mountain,antarctica
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