

An Analysis of the Feature of Ancient Times on the Chinese Western Region Poetry
摘要 历史上,西域与中原王朝"时绝时通"[1](235)中原王朝经营西域的状况是一个王朝强弱的坐标。西域诗歌是反映这种情况的晴雨表,随着国力的强弱,表现出明显的时代性特征。汉王朝是西域诗歌的曙光期,拉开了西域诗歌的序幕;三国两晋南北朝是西域诗歌的空白期,却是古典诗歌艺术上成熟的年代;唐朝是西域诗歌的高峰期,士人的意气风发为中华民族的流金岁月献上华丽的诗篇;两宋王朝无力经营西域,士人只能通过幻想去模拟其风光,抒发对汉唐盛世的追忆之情;大漠烟尘中蒙古王朝的绝对征服,则给西域诗歌带来了御用文人的歌功颂德;明王朝派遣陈诚出使西域,以使者的眼光留下了不一样的西域风情;清王朝时期,西域则聚集了一批政治失意者,他们的浅吟低唱为古代的西域诗歌画上了句号。 In Chinese history, the contact between the Western Region and the Central government was intermittent. The management of the Western Region witnessed the strength of a dynasty. The Western Region Poetry, as a cultural indicator of the management, kept up with the times and thus revealed the strength of a dynasty. The Han dynasty broke the dawn for the creation of the Western Region Poetry while the Three Kingdoms and the Eastern and Western Jin dynasties left no trace of it but witnessed the maturity of the classical poetry. The Western Region Poetry reached its peak as the Tang dynasty was reigning in China and the talented literati of the time glorified the Chinese literary with gorgeous linguistic gems. The Northern and Southern Song Dynasties lost its power over the western region and the literati can therefore only found their expression for the reminiscence of the golden years through fantasy. The dynasty of Mongolia, with its absolute rule over the Western Region, made the Poetry feature with the singing and praising for the merits and achievements of the dominators. Chen Cheng, as a messenger of the Ming dynasty, described the scenery of Western Region with his unique perspective. As the time came to the Qing dynasty, a group of political losers gathered in the Western Region and their poetries with gloomy tones brought an end to the creation of the Poetry.
作者 孟柏严
出处 《新疆职业大学学报》 2014年第6期39-43,共5页 Journal of Xinjiang Vocational University
基金 伊犁师范学院研究生科研创新项目(2013YSY016)
关键词 古代西域诗歌 士人 the ancient Western Region Poetry the literati
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