
视频侦查视域下的刑事技术工作思考 被引量:3

Primary Exploration on Criminal Technology from the Perspective of Video Investigation
摘要 在视频侦查新技术和新思维的视域下,刑事技术工作应从转变思维方式,树立深度应用理念。在宏观层面,推进刑事技术工作在视频侦查条件下的发展,需要抓好以下工作:一是修改《公安机关刑事案件现场勘验检查规则》,为勘查技术工作向视频侦查拓展提供制度支撑。二是构建"四侦合一"勘查工作模式,注重对现有信息资源的充分应用。三是加强天网工程和视频侦查数据库的基础建设。四是大力开展人才培训、引进和岗位技术比武。在微观层面,要切实打好"合成战",要配合视频侦查人员做好视频图像的获取、视频图像的侦查价值的挖掘和痕迹物证与视频图像的碰撞等工作。 From the perspective of the new technologies of video investigation and new thinking, the criminal technology should be changed in the way of thinking with an idea of application. In the macro level,the promotion of the criminal technology in video investigation requires us to do as follows: the first is to modify the "Rules of Crime Scene Investigation and Inspection", supplying a system support for the exploration technology expanding to the video investigation; the second is to construct "four-in-one" investigation mode, focusing on the full application of the existing information resources; the third is to strengthen the foundation construction of Skynet engineering and video database; the forth is to vigorously carry out personnel training, introducing technical competition. In the micro level, we must do well in the "Synthesis War",coordinate well with video investigator in video image collection, video value detection, and comparison between trace evidence and video image, etc.
作者 袁瑛 郜尔彬
出处 《四川警察学院学报》 2014年第6期87-91,共5页 Journal of Sichuan Police College
基金 贵州警官职业学院2013年校级重点课题<电子媒介言语轨迹的侦查解读>
关键词 视频侦查技术 视域 侦查 刑事技术 Video Investigation Technology Perspective Investigation Criminal Technology
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