为了解决海南昌江核电投产之后海南电力系统调峰问题,新建海南琼中抽蓄电站(3×20万k W)。抽蓄机组在负荷高峰期间最大出力60万k W,夜间低谷期间相当于一个60万k W的电动机,可能对规模较小的海南电网安全稳定运行造成影响,科学、谨慎的选择抽蓄机组机电参数是非常重要的,文章对抽蓄机组主要机电参数进行了校验,分析其参数变化对海南电网安全稳定的影响。
The new Hainan Qiongzhong pumped storage unit(3 * 20 0000 k W) is built to solve the peaking problem of Hainan electric power system after Hainan Changjiang nuclear power production. The maximum output of pumped storage unit is about 600 000 k W in the peak-load period and it's equivalent to a electric motor of 600 000 k W in the night valley-load period, which may have impact on Hainan power grid security and stability operation. Thus, it is important to scientficly and carefully choose the electro-mechanics parameters of pumped storage unit. The paper checks the main electro-mechanics parameters of pumped storage units and analyzes the impact of its parameters varieties on Hainan power grid security and stability operation.
Modern Industrial Economy and Informationization
pumped storage
electro-mechanics parameters
security and stability