

Research on Reflection and Polarization Characteristics of Circularly Polarized Light at the Surface of a Chiral Negative Refraction Medium
摘要 从理论上分析了圆偏振光入射到手征负折射材料表面的反射与透射特性,给出了归一化反射透射功率与入射角的关系曲线以及布儒斯特角与手征参数之间的关系曲线。当入射角大于两个本征波的临界角时,全内反射现象发生。由于手征负折射介质中的一个本征波发生了负折射,右旋或左旋圆偏振光入射时反射波的极化态有着与常规介质完全不同的特性,以布儒斯特角入射时反射光都为线偏振波但极化方向并不相同。 The reflection and refraction characteristics were analyzed theoretically when circularly polarized light was incident at the surface of a chiral negative refraction medium. Normalized reflected and transmission power curves vs incident angle, and Brewster angle curves vs the chirality parameter were plotted. When incident angle is larger than the critical angles of two eigen waves, the total internal reflection occurs. Due to the negative refraction of one eigen wave in the chiral medium,the polarization state of the reflected waves caused by the incidence of right or left circularly polarized light is very different from that in the common medium. The reflected waves are linearly polarized with different polarization directions when the light is incident at the Brewster angle.
出处 《量子光学学报》 北大核心 2015年第1期59-63,共5页 Journal of Quantum Optics
基金 浙江省教育厅基金项目(Y201225614)
关键词 手征负折射 圆偏振光 布儒斯特角 归一化功率 chiral negative refraction circularly polarized light Brewster angle normalized power
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