
肿瘤患者心理支持的操作技巧 被引量:5

The Operating Skills of Psychological Support about Cancer Patients
摘要 本文继《肿瘤心理学的学科建构钩玄》一文,试图讨论肿瘤患者的心理支持要点及其操作技巧。肿瘤患者常常处于特殊情景下,其心理状态往往为非理性的,故对其进行心理(短板)救助显得十分重要。鉴于肿瘤患者的特殊心理状况,笔者认为对此类患者的心理支持应从改变认知切入,并根据不同的"癌症类型",或采取出奇制胜的"侧攻"的方法,或结合及时激励、自我奖赏、多次鼓励(加油站原则)等方法,以做到支持递进、个性化、多方法结合来消除肿瘤患者的慢性心理应激,重建其安全感。 After the paper "Explore Core Factors about the Construction of Psycho‐oncology Discipline , and the Psychological Support Points",the aim of this paper is to discuss the points and operating skills of psychological support about cancer patients .Cancer patients'mental status is often irrational in the special situation ,therefore ,it is very important to build psychological assistance system for them .To be specifically ,as the special situation ,it's essential to change patients'cognitive .Additionally ,according to "different type of cancer",it also needs taking actions such as , timely incentive ,self‐reward and repeatedly encourage ,to eliminate the chronic psychological stress of patients with tumor and rebuild their sense of security gradually .
作者 何裕民
机构地区 上海中医药大学
出处 《医学与哲学(B)》 2015年第1期1-4,27,共5页 Medicine & Philosophy(B)
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目"中医文化核心价值体系及其现代转型研究" 项目编号:12AZD094
关键词 肿瘤患者 心理支持 操作技巧 cancer patients, psychological support, operating skills
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