
黑色素瘤内科治疗的新进展 被引量:3

Recent Developments in the Medical Treatment of Melanoma
摘要 黑色素瘤的生物学知识在对这种疾病的药物研发上发挥了重要的作用。在过去的10年中,黑色素瘤进入了靶向治疗的新时代,这种疾病的治疗方法发生了革命性的改变。从2011年,已有4种新药被批准应用于转移性黑色素瘤的治疗,包括:伊匹单抗、维罗菲尼、达拉菲尼和曲美替尼。目前几种新药正处于3期临床试验阶段,以期更多的药物被批准用于这种曾经的"绝症"治疗中。本文将突出新药物研发的途径并进一步讨论在此基础上新的治疗方案。 Increasing knowledge of the biology of melanoma has led to significant advances in drug development to fight this disease. The last decade has become the era of targeted therapy in melanoma and has revolutionized the treatment of this disease. Since 2011, 4 new agents have been approved for the treatment of patients with metastatic melanoma: ipilimumab,vemurafenib, dabrafenib and trametinib. Several new agents are currently in phase 3 trials with hopes of even more agents being approved for this once "untreatable" disease. This review will highlight the pathway to the development of the newly approved agents, and further discuss new treatments that are on the horizon.
作者 孙瑶 陈湘磊
出处 《医学与哲学(B)》 2015年第1期61-64,共4页 Medicine & Philosophy(B)
关键词 黑色素瘤 肿瘤内科 分子靶向治疗 免疫疗法 melanoma, medical oncology, molecularly targeted therapy, immunotherapy
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