

Algorithm of Mining the Specific Object Spatial Co-Location Pattern
摘要 空间同位模式挖掘研究主要以区域划分为基础,考虑对象实例两两之间的距离关系,这样挖掘出的同位模式是双向对称的。但区域的划分起止位置不确定,可能出现由于区域划分的不一致而得到不一样的空间同位模式结果。该文提出以指定对象为核心的空间同位模式挖掘,这样不必担心区域划分的起止位置对挖掘结果的影响,而且更能有针对性地发现特定空间对象与其它哪些对象具有空间同位关系。 The research concerning over Spatial data mining based mainly on partitioning of areas, in regard to the spatial distance between each object instance, Co-location pattern obtained will be symmetric. Yet the position where the partition begins and ends is indeterminate, therefore the Spatial Co-location pattern obtained could vary due to different partition. This paper proposed a specified object centered Spatial data mining method in case of inaccuracy caused by partitioning position, moreover, the finding of Spatial Co-location pattern between specific spatial object and the others can get more well-focused.
作者 周剑云 ZHOU Jian-yun (Department of Computer Science, Puer University, Puer 665000, China)
出处 《电脑知识与技术》 2015年第2期82-85,89,共5页 Computer Knowledge and Technology
基金 云南省教育厅科研基金项目“网络课程建设的数据挖掘构架研究”(项目号:2013Y107) 国家自然科学基金项目“非线性环境取能系统随机动力学问题研究”(项目号:11265012)资助
关键词 空间数据库 空间数据挖掘 空间同位模式 spatial database spatial data mining spatial Co-location pattern
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