目的:本文旨了解医学实习生对临终关怀的认知情况,分析影响三甲医院医学实习生对临终关怀认知度的相关因素,为临终关怀的临床应用提供有效地高等医学教育理论及实践上的依据。方法:取分层非随机抽样的方法,在兰州市三家三甲医院中抽取210名医学院实习生作为研究样本。用使用Von Bakanic临终关怀态度量表对医学实习生进行半结构化的访谈调。调问卷包括社会人口学信息、个人经历、临终关怀态度,用SPSS17.0分析软件以描述性分析、百分率、方差分析、Logistic回归和卡方等统计学方法对资料进行分析。结果:210位医学院实习生接受了调查,回收198份调查问卷,回收率为94%。198名医学实习生同意接受调查并填写了问卷,其中6份调查表中缺少相关资料,最后共184份为有效调查表进入统计分析,有效调表率为91.4%。结果显示个人压力、专业压力、临终关怀照护态度总分与年龄与和父母亲年龄及健康状况明显相关(P〈0.05)。结论:医学院实习生临终关怀基本知识了解不够深入,普遍缺乏临终关怀哲理和原则方面的知识,积极老化与死亡尊严相关知识相对薄弱。医学院实习生临终关怀知识受多种因素影响,与学校、实习经历、个人经历状况有关。
Objective: the purpose of this paper is to comprehend the cognition of hospice care in medical students, and analyze the related factors affecting hospital medical interns to cognition of hospice care, provide the basis of clinical application of hospice care in higher medical education. Methods: Methods was investigated by stratified non random sampling, in three hospitals in Lanzhou city from 210 medical college interns were included. Semi structured Von Bakanic hospice attitudes questionnaire was conducted the survey of medical interns, questionnaire including demographic information, personal experience, hospice attitudes, software of descriptive analysis, variance analysis, percentage, logistic regression and chi square statistical methods were analyze data by SPSS17.0 ResuRs: 210 medical interns were surveyed, the recovery was 198, the rate of recovery was 94%. 198 medical students participated in the survey, the lack of relevant data of 6 questionnaires, 184 valid questionnaires finally entered the statistical analysis, the effective model for the 91.4% survey. The results showed significant correlation in individual pressure, professional pressure, hospice care attitude score and age and parental age and state of health (P〈0.05). Conclusion: the basic knowledge of medical interns hospice understanding is low, the general lack of hospice philosophy and principles of knowledge, active aging related knowledge are relatively weak and death with dignity, schools, the practice experience and personal experiences were related to the cognition on hospice care of medical college intern.