
麝香百合×亚洲百合(LA,Longiflorum×Asiatic)百合杂种F_1代镰刀菌抗性的快速鉴定 被引量:2

Fast Evaluation of FusariumResistance in Interspecific Longiflorum×Asiatic(LA)Hybrids of Lily
摘要 以99个百合远缘杂种F1代-麝香百合×亚洲百合(LA)杂种为试材,采用栽培基质接种病原菌的方法对杂种后代的镰刀菌抗性进行了鉴定。结果表明:百合无性系温室人工接种技术成功应用于该远缘杂种,其母本麝香百合‘White Fox’对镰刀菌表现出高感,而父本亚洲百合‘Connecticut King’具有较强抗性,并成功遗传给杂种后代,在后代基因型中实现一系列分离;在后代杂种群体中,大部分基因型对镰刀菌表现出不同程度的抗性,F1代镰刀菌抗性基因表达率为70.1%。表明镰刀菌抗性由数量基因控制,通过杂种系间杂交实现百合镰刀菌抗性的渐渗育种切实可行。 In the current paper,99 interspecific F1hybrids between Longiflorum and Asiatic hybrids were first evaluated for the Fusariumresistance,by means of testing the hybrid lily in inoculated substrate.The results showed that the artificial infection of Fusariumin greenhouse with controlled condition was successfully applied,the maternal Longiflorum cultivar‘White Fox'performed high susceptable to Fusarium,while the paternal Asiatic cultivar‘Connecticut King'was high resistant,the resistance was successfully inherited to the offspring and segregated in different genotypes.Among the segregated population,majority of the individuals performed different level of resistance to Fusarium,the transmission of ressitance in the hybrid populaiton reached 70.1%.It could be concluded that the resistance was controlled by quantitative genes,and it was feasible to undertake introgression breeding of resistance via distant interspecific hybridization.
出处 《北方园艺》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第6期90-94,共5页 Northern Horticulture
基金 公益性行业(农业)科研专项资助项目(200903020)
关键词 百合杂种 镰刀菌 无性系 抗性 Liliumhybrids Fusarium clonal level resistance
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