
孔雀草水提液对自身生长及土壤微生物数量和酶活性的影响 被引量:3

Effect of Water Extraction Liquid of Tagetes patula L.on Itself Growth and Microbial Quantity and Enzymatic Activity
摘要 以常用地被植物孔雀草(Tagetes patula L.)为研究对象,研究其不同部位水提液对自身生长及土壤微生物数量及酶活性的影响,初步确定孔雀草对自身的化感作用。结果表明:不同部位水提液处理与对照比较,对株高影响以对照>叶水提液>花水提液>茎水提液趋势;对冠幅与茎粗影响趋势一致,呈花水提液>茎水提液>对照>叶水提液趋势;对真叶分蘖数的影响水提液处理均高于对照;对花朵直径的影响对照大于水提液处理;对植株地上株干重影响以水提液处理大于对照,变化趋势为花水提液>叶水提液>茎水提液>对照;对植株地下株干重影响趋势依次为花水提液>对照>茎水提液>叶水提液。孔雀草不同部位水提液处理对土壤微生物数量及总量影响,以花水提液处理与对照比较均促进土壤细菌、放线菌、真菌增长;而茎水提液处理与对照比较均抑制土壤细菌、放线菌、真菌增长;叶水提液处理与对照比较抑制土壤细菌、放线菌,而促进真菌生长。B/F值变化趋势为花水提液>对照>茎水提液>叶水提液。孔雀草不同部位水提液处理对土壤系列酶活性均产生不同促进或抑制作用,以花水提液处理促进能力最强。研究结果初步表明,孔雀草不同部位水提液对自身生长具有明显的化感作用;孔雀草花朵采后可直接返田,继续移栽孔雀草不影响其生长。 Taking ground cover plant Tagetes patula L. as the research object, the effect of its water extraction liquid of different parts on itself and microbial quantity and enzymatic activity were studied. The results showed that its effect tendency on plant height was the control〉 water extraction liquid of leaf〉 water extraction liquid of flower〉 water extraction liquid of stern. The tendency of its effect on crown breadth was corresponded with the stem diameter, water extraction liquid of flower〉water extraction liquid of stern〉the control〉water extraction liquid of leaf. The effect on the euphylla tiller number was the water extraction liquid was higher than the control. Furthermore, the effect on flower diameter was the control was higher than the water extraction liquid. The effect on the dry weight of the over ground plant was the water extraction liquid was higher than the control, the tendency was water extraction liquid of flower〉 water extraction liquid of leal〉water extraction liquid of stern〉the control. The tendency of the effect on the dry weight of the underground plant was water extraction liquid of flower〉 the control〉water extraction liquid of stem〉water extraction liquid of leaf. The effect of the water extraction liquid treatment of the different part of Tagetes patula L. on the quantity and quality of soil microorganism by water extraction liquid of flower treatment promoted the increase of soil bacterium,actinomycetes and fungus compared with the control. Nevertheless,the treatment of water extraction liquid of stem inhibited the increase of soil bacterium, actinomycetes and fungus compared with the control. Moreover, the treatment of water extraction liquid of leaf inhibited the increase of soil bacterium, actinomycetes and promoted the increase of fungus. The tendency of B/F value was water extraction liquid of flower〉the control〉water extraction liquid of stern〉water extraction liquid of leaf. The effect of the water extraction liquid treatment of the different part of Tagetes patula L. on series of soil enzyme activity presented different promotion or inhibition, especially the promotion ability of water extraction liquid of flower was the best. The consequence showed that the water extraction liquid of the different parts of Tagetes patula L. had obvious allelopathy. It did not effect the growth of Tagetes patula L. after picking its flower. In addition,it can be transplanted to the field directly.
出处 《北方园艺》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第6期157-160,共4页 Northern Horticulture
基金 吉林省教育厅"十二五"科技计划资助项目(吉教科合字2012(259))
关键词 孔雀草 水提液 微生物数量 酶活性 Tagetes patula L. water extraction liquid microbial quantity enzymatic activity
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