
中小学生健康素养内涵与结构的认知分析 被引量:14

Analysis of concept connotative and structure of health literacy of primary and secondary school students
摘要 目的探索符合中小学生健康需求及学校健康教育特点的健康素养内涵与结构框架,为构建中小学生健康素养评价工具提供理论基础。方法以Delphi法了解相关研究领域专家(27名)对学生健康素养内涵的认知,并通过定性研究获得中小学健康教育教师(57名)和学生(77名)对学生健康素养的理解。分析并比较不同研究对象对学生健康素养内涵与结构的界定和划分。结果两轮咨询问卷有效回收率分别为82.4%,81.3%。初步确定中小学生健康素养内涵由健康知识、健康理念、健康技能和健康行为4个维度构成。高中生、初中生及小学生健康素养内涵的结构有所差异,分别包含19,19,17项内涵要素,各要素涉及的具体条目亦不尽相同。结论中小学生健康素养内涵与结构框架的确立,可为构建中小学生健康素养评价工具提供理论基础。 Objective To explore concept connotation and structure of health literacy which meets the demand of primary and secondary school students' health,characteristics of school health education. Methods Delphi method and qualitative research method were combined to analyze and compare different ideas on the connotation and structure of students' health literacy from experts in related subject,57 health educators and 77 students in primary and secondary school. Results Students' health literacy were defined as a four-dimension concept which included health knowledge,health consciousness,health skills and health behaviors. Structure of students' health literacy varied by different grades. Elements ranged from 17- 19 in three phases of school studying,and key points in every element were not quite the same. Conclusion The connotation and structure of students' health literacy were established to provide scientific and theoretical foundation for developing the evaluation tools of the level of students' health literacy.
出处 《中国学校卫生》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第2期170-173,共4页 Chinese Journal of School Health
基金 北京市教育科学规划"十二五"重点课题项目(AHA12107)
关键词 健康 身体素质 认知 定性研究 Health Physical fitness Cognition Qualitative research
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