

Study on frailty evaluation and delay service for elders based on cloud platform
摘要 人口高龄化趋势已日益明显,生理机能退化是每个老人都会面临的问题。结合现有云计算和专家系统技术,以协助老年人延缓身体退化研究为目标,研究身体退化量测与评估方法,引入本体论将退化评估结果与运动处方知识库结合,建立科学有效的健身中心服务平台。跟踪实验的结果表明,云平台处理大量数据效能表现良好,满足实时分析需求;受试者各项指标提升效果明显,尤其是对于高龄族群最重要的体脂指标相对训练前有明显改善。 Frailty is becoming one of the greatest gerontological challenges faced by modern societies with aging populations.A novel systematic model for measuring and assessing body degeneration is proposed.Based on ontology and cloud computing,the assessment results and exercise prescription knowledge database are combined to make scientific and reasonable exercise plans.An experiment is designed to investigate the effectiveness of the automatic model by measuring and comparing degeneration.Experimental results show that the proposed cloud platform has a good performance for real-time application demands,and the subjects' degeneration indicator measurements are significantly improved.
出处 《计算机工程与科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期434-439,共6页 Computer Engineering & Science
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(91018003 61472100) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金资助项目(DUT14QY32)
关键词 云计算服务 任务本体论 运动处方 退化评估 运动中心 cloud computing service task ontology exercise prescription frailty evaluation exercise center
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