
服务破坏研究述评和未来研究展望 被引量:4

A Review of Previous Researches on Service Sabotage and Prospects for Its Future Research
摘要 服务破坏发生于员工与顾客交互过程中,是员工故意消极违背服务交往和人际交往准则的行为,损害了顾客福利和权益,具有存在广泛、诱因复杂和后果严重等特点。近年来学者对其表现和发生机制等给予较多关注。本研究从服务破坏涵义、分类、测量、前置影响因素和影响后果等对现有文献进行了综述,提出服务破坏前置影响因素分析框架,并指出基于本土文化、深入分析各影响因素间复杂作用和冲动性服务破坏成因等未来研究方向。 Service sabotage,occurring in the process of interaction between employees and customers,is a behavior performed by employees when they deliberately violate the norms for service and interpersonal contact. It damages the customers' welfare and interests and is characterized by widespread existence,complex inducement and serious consequences. Therefore,scholars have paid much attention to its performance and occurrence mechanism in recent years. This paper reviews the existing literature involving service sabotage in terms of connotation,classification,measurement,pre- influence factors and consequences,puts forward a framework for analyzing service sabotage pre- influence factors,and points out that the future research directions include a deeper analysis of the complex functions of all the influencing factors based on the local culture and a deeper analysis of the causes for impulsive service sabotage.
作者 于伟 张鹏
出处 《山东财经大学学报》 2015年第2期86-95,共10页 Journal of Shandong University of Finance and Economics
关键词 服务破坏 主客交互 反生产行为 service sabotage subject-object interaction anti-production behavior
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