

The Artistic Pursuit of the “Eight Friends of Zhushan” and Their Influence upon Later Generations
摘要 今天的景德镇陶瓷艺术正处于一个崭新的发展时期,也是一个空前的繁荣时期。在全球化的大趋势下,国内外不同地域、不同流派的艺术家为了一个共同的理想在这里汇集。各种不同的创作风格在这里交融,各种不同的艺术观念在这里碰撞,各种不同的艺术精品在这里展示……,从而形成了一个前所未有的"景漂"奇观。新的理念、新的工艺、新的材质、新的技法不断地涌现,这为景德镇的陶瓷艺术的发展与创新提供了一个极为难得的历史机遇。在这种情形下,我们共同追溯"珠山八友"等前辈艺术家们孜孜不倦的探索足迹,认真学习他们的创新求变的从艺态度,自觉继承他们艺文并重的审美追求,对增强我们当代陶瓷艺术家的文化素养,提升我们的艺术品位,提高我们的创作水平,从而将陶瓷艺术创作不断推向新的高峰是十分有益的,也是十分必要的。 The ceramic art in today's Jingdezhen is at a brand new developing stage that is also an unprecedented booming era of it. In the trend of globalization, artists of different genres gathered here from all around the world for a common ideal. Different creating styles are blended here; all sorts of different artistic ideas are colliding here; and a variety of fine arts are shown here,which brings forth an unprecedented wonder in Jingdezhen—— "Jing Piao"(a large number of "drifters" in Jingdezhen). New ideas,new technologies, new materials, new techniques are emerging continuously here, as provides a rare historic opportunity for the development and the innovation of Jingdezhen eramic art. To follow the footprint of ancient masters in their tireless exploration such as the "Eight Friends of Zhushan", and learn from their aspiration for creation and innovation in the ceramic art research, and consciously carry on their aesthetic pursuit of both the artistry and the scholarship are quite necessary and beneficial for the contemporary ceramic artists to improve their cultural literacy, their artistic taste and their creation level, and thereby to push the ceramic art creation to a new peak in the development of the ceramic art.
作者 韩晓光
机构地区 景德镇学院
出处 《景德镇学院学报》 2015年第1期133-136,共4页 Journal of JingDeZhen University
关键词 “珠山八友” 艺术追求 “景漂” 艺术影响 "Eight Friends of Zhushan" art pursuit "Jing Piao" artistic influence
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  • 1钟莲生.“珠山八友”的艺术成就及其作品的审美特征[C]//耿宝昌,秦锡麟编著珠山八友,江西出版社,2004.
  • 2张学文.“珠山八友”的形成及其结社性质[c]//耿宝昌,秦锡麟编著珠山八友江西出版社,2004.
  • 3韩晓光.珠山八友题画诗评注[M].中国广播电视出版社,2008.








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