实验教学是高等师范院校教学中的重要组成部分。教师教育人才培养中,学生实践创新能力培养不足,导致学生就业后独立承担教学任务的能力较弱。首都师范大学从2002年起开展"实验室开放基金活动",至今已有12年,累计资助学生课外项目2 415项,产出了一批具有较高水平的科研和实验教学教改成果,对提高师范生创新实践能力,提高实验室利用率起到了很好的作用。
Experimental teaching is an important part for the teaching program in the higher normal university. For a long time, it is obvious that students' practical abilities is inadequate relative to the classroom education in the traditional training plan. This problem results many students become less capability to undertake the teaching of the experimental course in primary or middle schools after graduation. Based on those reason, we carried out a program named "Laboratory Opening Project" from 2002. Over past 12 years, this program cumulative 2415 items for students. Many items have high level scientific outputs and the good reforming plan for experimental teaching in middle school or university. The results show it is benefits for the practical training for the undergraduate students who will become primary or middle school teacher. Moreover, this project also improve the utilization of laboratory in normal university in China.
China Modern Educational Equipment
laboratory opening project
students majoring teaching education
training creative ability