
美国体育黄金时代“赞美派”与“讽刺派”的新闻写作风格及深远影响 被引量:1

Writing Styles and Lasting Influences of the "Gee Whiz" School and "Aw Nuts" School in the Golden Age of American Sports
摘要 19世纪20年代是美国体育的黄金时代,体育明星、体育记者和营销专家共同缔造了这个时代的辉煌。在这个过程中,体育新闻写作诞生了两种截然不同的流派——"赞美派"与"讽刺派",他们在主题选择、修辞手法等方面均有鲜明的特点。两个流派不仅在当时推进了美国体育娱乐业的建立和壮大,还发挥着持久的影响力。现在,不论是美国本土,还是中国当下的体育新闻写作均可窥见两种流派的风格遗存。 The 1920s has been called the Golden Age of American Sports. Sports stars,journalists and marketing experts all came together and left their own marks. During that time,two totally different styles of sports writing were formed: the "Gee Whiz"school and the"Aw Nuts"school. They both have their own unique characteristics in theme- selecting and rhetoric. Not only have they helped establish the sports entertainment industry then,but also have had a lasting influence on times to come. Now,we can still identify the traces they left in sports writing both in America and in China.
机构地区 北京体育大学
出处 《成都体育学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期28-32,共5页 Journal of Chengdu Sport University
关键词 美国体育黄金时代 赞美派 讽刺派 the Golden Age of American Sports the "Gee Whiz" school the "Aw Nuts" school
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