目的探讨许昌市狂犬病流行趋势,为下一步狂犬病防控工作提供依据。方法使用Excel 2013对许昌市1987-2013年狂犬病疫情资料进行数据整理,采用描述性流行病学方法分析。结果许昌市1987-2013年共报告狂犬病病例132例,死亡132例,年均发病率为0.12/10万,发病率从0.00/10万-0.76/10万,病死率为100%,呈高度散发。全年均有发病,有明显的季节性特征,男性发病数多于女性,男女比例为2.38∶1;年龄分布以35-65岁年龄组(87例、占65.91%)居多。职业多为农民(103例、占78.03%),其次为学生(12例、占9.09%);伤人动物多为犬(131例、占97.87%),且均未接种狂犬疫苗;病例暴露后多自行处理或未处理,均未接种狂犬疫苗。病例主要集中在禹州市、鄢陵县、许昌县和襄城县。结论许昌市狂犬病疫情发病趋势基本与河南省一致,近年发病有所回升。
Objective To understand the epidemic trends of rabies in Xuchang city,so as to provide the basis for its prevention and control. Methods Microsoft Excel 2013 was used to have data construction,and descriptive methodology was adopted to analyze the data on rabies epidemic materials during 1987-2013. Results A total of 132 rabies cases were reported in Xuchang city during 1987-2013,132 cases died,with an annual incidence of 0.12/105.The average disease incidence was between 0.00/105 to 0.76/105 and the death rate was 100%.Rabies infection occurred all the year round with distinctive seasonal distribution.The male incidence was higher than female,and the percentage between men and women was 2.38/1.Most cases were farmers(103cases),accounting for 78.03%,and in age group of 35 to 65years(87cases,65.91%),followed by students(12cases),accounting for 9.09%.97.87% animals that caused the diseases were dogs,and most cases of that had no inoculation of rabies vaccine.The wound of the bite was exposed and treated by themselves or untreated,and they were not inoculated against rabies.Most cases occurred in Yuzhou city,Yanling county,Xuchang county,and Xiangcheng county. Conclusion The epidemic trend of rabies in Xuchang city is almost the same as that of Henan province,and the incidence of the disease is rebounding in recent years.
Preventive Medicine Tribune