
冗余驱动仿下颌运动机器人的机构设计及轨迹规划 被引量:4

Mechanism Design and Trajectory Planning of a Redundantly Actuated Parallel Robot for Jaw Movement
摘要 为实现人体下颌的运动,针对下颌系统的冗余特性和颞下颌关节运动的独特性,提出一种新型的冗余驱动的仿下颌运动机器人.首先,根据人体下颌运动机理以及仿生设计参数对仿下颌运动机器人进行样机设计.然后,基于虚拟仿真软件,对冗余驱动的仿下颌运动机器人进行轨迹规划.最后,在样机上进行下颌功能运动实验,分别模拟下颌的开闭、前后和侧方运动.结果证明该仿下颌运动机器人能够实现人体下颌的运动,特别是颞下颌关节的运动. In view of the redundancy feature of the jaw system and the uniqueness of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) movement, a new prototype of redundant parallel robotic mechanism for jaw movement is presented to reproduce human jaw motion. Firstly, a prototype of the robot for jaw movement is designed according to the mechanism of human jaw movement and the data of bionic design. Then, the trajectory of the redundantly actuated parallel robot for jaw movement is planned using the virtual simulation software. Finally, the mandible functional motion is experimented on the prototype, including opening and closing movement, front-to-back movement and sideways movement. The results prove that this jaw movement robot can realize the human mandible motion, especially the TMJ motion.
出处 《机器人》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2015年第1期43-52,共10页 Robot
基金 国家863计划资助项目(2013AA040303)
关键词 仿下颌运动机器人 冗余驱动 并联机构 轨迹规划 仿生颞下颌关节 jaw movement robot redundant actuation parallel mechanism trajectory planning bionic temporomandibular joint
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