
基于纳米钴信号放大化学发光生物传感器超灵敏检测DNA 被引量:2

Chemiluminescence Detection of DNA Hybridization Based on Cobalt Nanoparticles
摘要 研究了一种新颖简便的以大粒径(100 nm) Co纳米探针作为信号放大超灵敏化学发光检测DNA的新方法.该方法采用“三明治”夹心法,首先将壳核结构羧基化的纳米Co与氨基修饰的DNA结合制备纳米Co信号探针,然后通过靶DNA与固定了捕获探针的磁珠亲和形成一个“三明治”夹心的结构,制备纳米Co生物传感器.检测时,将纳米Co溶解成Co2+,利用鲁米诺-H2O2-Co2+化学发光体系对靶DNA进行检测,发现其对靶DNA的检测灵敏度可达到1.6×10-17mol·L-1(3δ),其线性范围为0.6×10-16~4.0×10-16 mol·L-1。 A novel and sensitive flow injection chemiluminescence(CL) assay for the se quence specific DNA detection based on the signal amplication with cobalt nanoparticles (100 nm) was developed. The sandwich-type DNA biosensor was fabricated with the a- mino-functionalized capture DNA immobilized on the magnetic bead and target DNA was sandwiched between magnetic bead and a signal DNA probe labeled with cobalt NPs. The hybridization events were monitored by the Chemiluminescence (CL) intensity of luminol-H202-CO2+ after the cobaltous ions were dissolved from the hybrids. The method could detect as low as 1.6 × 10 17 mol · L-1 target DNA and the line range was from 0.6 × 10 16 to 4.0 ×10 16 mol· L-1.
作者 曹玮 张远
出处 《青岛科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2015年第1期10-15,26,共7页 Journal of Qingdao University of Science and Technology:Natural Science Edition
基金 山东省自然科学基金项目(ZR2012BM011) 青岛科技大学博士启动基金项目(2011)
关键词 纳米Co 化学发光 DNA检测 cobalt nanoparticles chemiluminescence (CL) DNA detection
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