

Study on the Complexity and Control of Intelligent Building System Based on CPS
摘要 为实现智能建筑高效节能的控制效果,本文对基于信息物理融合系统(CPS)的建筑智能化系统的复杂性与系统控制进行了分析与研究,描述了系统控制的必要性。从系统控制角度分析了被控对象,探讨了系统控制模型,并结合建筑智能化系统的特点,建立了含有协调器和控制器的智能建筑多级控制系统。系统基于CPS和大系统控制理论,具备实时、鲁棒、自治和高效等特点。通过室内温湿环境的Simulink仿真结果证明,系统在运行的过程中具有良好的快速性与稳定性,适用于智能建筑的环境检测与调控。 In order to control the energy efficiency in intelligent building, this paper researches the complexity of the building intelligent system and its system control based on CPS, and describes its necessity. From the angle of system control, we analyze the controlled object, discuss the system control model, and by combining with the characteristics of intelligent building system, we establish an intelligent building multi-level control system with containing coordinator and controller. The system is based on Cyber-Physical Systems and the control theory of large system, and is robust, autonomous, efficient and in real time. The Simulink simulation results of the indoor temperature and humidity environment show that the system is rapid and stable during operation, and can be applied to intelligent building environment detection and control.
出处 《科技广场》 2015年第1期10-16,共7页 Science Mosaic
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(编号:11142191) 住房和城乡建设部科技项目(编号:2012-K8-33) 住房和城乡建设部科技项目(编号:2013-K1-48)
关键词 信息与物理融合系统 建筑智能化 大系统控制理论 Cyber-Physical System Intelligent Building Control Theory of Large System
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