
地方高校大学生职业认同困惑与对策研究 被引量:3

Local Higher Institution Students' Career Identity: Dilemma and Solutions
摘要 高校大学生职业认同程度影响职业选择。目前地方高校大学生普遍因为社会刻板印象、职业价值观单一导致自我认同模糊、专业认同多于职业认同、职业认同度低、职业认同类型少等现状,造成大学生职业认同困惑。地方高校应重视大学生非智力因素的作用,构建大学生的选择职业情商认同;借助校友的职场榜样力量,引导大学生职业类型与地域认同;整合非高校的职业认同教育资源,实现毕业生由专业到职业的直接跨越。从而达到毕业生形成正确的职业认同,更新就业观念,实现高质量就业。 The degree of college student' s career identity affects their career choosing. Lo- cal college students have vague self-identity due to social stereotype and sole career value, where profession career identity is higher than occupation identity. Local schools should pay more attention to the function of non-intellectual factors and help develop EQ-based profession choosing identity. With the power of schoolfellows' career success, occupation type and region identity may be developed. Integrating the educational materials of career identity may contrib- ute to their transmission from profession to occupation. It hopes to help the graduates develop right career identity and improve employment rate.
作者 王艳 芦伟
出处 《哈尔滨学院学报》 2015年第3期129-132,共4页 Journal of Harbin University
基金 安徽省2013年高等教育振兴计划重大教学改革研究项目 项目编号:2013zdjy151
关键词 地方高校 职业认同 职业情商 local higher institutions career identity profession EQ
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