
全球化与国际老龄化政策——基于社会性别视野的考察 被引量:6

Globalization and International Policies on Aging——An Exploratory Study from a Gender Perspective
摘要 国际社会对"人口老龄化是一个社会性别问题"的认识和理解,是伴随全球化进程不断提速而逐渐加深的。在过去数十年里,对老年妇女和老龄化过程中性别差异的关注夹杂在各种发展干预中进入国际政策框架,并经由一系列全球大会得到了广泛张扬。20世纪90年代中叶前后可以说是国际政策话语和政策干预转变的一个分水岭。由于全球化浪潮的激荡,国际层面的政策回应逐渐从狭隘地针对发达国家的个人福祉问题转向关注世界各地妇女整个生命周期的脆弱性和不公平待遇,并进而对老龄化问题采取以权利为本的策略。本文旨在从社会性别视野对全球化时代国际老龄化政策的演进作出一个系统梳理。 The international community's understanding of population aging as a gender issue has gradually deepened along with the process of increasing globalization. In the last few decades, the recognition of older women as a special group and gender-based differences in aging has been adopted by development interventions and increasingly incorporated in the international policy framework,which has been made widely known by a series of global conferences. The mid-1990 s witnessed marked changes in international policy discourses and policy interventions. Due to the impacts of globalization, the policy responses at the international level have shifted from focusing narrowly on individual well-being in developed countries to paying attention to vulnerabilities among women throughout their life cycle in the whole world, promoting a rights-based approach to aging. This paper examines the changes in international policies on aging under globalization from a gender perspective.
作者 胡玉坤 温煦
出处 《妇女研究论丛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期33-40,70,共9页 Journal of Chinese Women's Studies
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目"国家与农村妇女就业"(项目编号:09BSH030)的研究成果之一 2013-2014年度中美富布莱特项目的资助 课题名称为:"Gender Equality and Public Policies:A Comparative Study of China and the United States of America"
关键词 全球化 人口老龄化 国际老龄化政策 社会性别视野 globalization aging population international policies on aging gender perspective
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