
外语磨蚀的回归性:基于V-ing的实证研究 被引量:3

Regression of foreign language attrition: An empirical study based on V-ing
摘要 基于语言磨蚀回归性研究文献的系统梳理,本文以母语为汉语的142名中国英语学习者为研究对象,应用"V-ing磨蚀测量量表",验证了V-ing磨蚀的回归性,并得出了如下基本结论:(1)V-ing的磨蚀符合雅柯布逊假设的预期,即其磨蚀具有明显的回归性,表现为先习得的后磨蚀。(2)基于V-ing在句子中所处的句法地位,可从理论层面上较好地阐释其磨蚀的回归性。 By systematically reviewing the previous studies on the regression of foreign language attrition,this paper employed ' An Inventory Measuring V-ing Attrition' to testify the regression of V-ing attrition among 142 Chinese college graduates. The following conclusions were obtained:( 1) V-ing regresses with time in attrition,as predicted by Jakobson's Regression Hypothesis, ' first learned,last out'; and( 2) the regression of V-ing attrition could be theoretically justified in terms of the syntactic status of V-ing in a sentence.
作者 倪传斌 刘治
机构地区 南京师范大学
出处 《外语与翻译》 2015年第1期72-77,4,共6页 Foreign Languages and Translation
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"外语磨蚀的回归性分析(项目号10BYY027)" 国家自然科学基金项目"基于fMRI的外语磨蚀选择性研究(项目号30770716)"的阶段性成果 "江苏高校优势学科建设工程二期项目"(项目号20140901)的资助
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