
基于产品平台的多目标供应商预选方法研究 被引量:1

A multi-objective method for supplier pre-selection of platform-based products
摘要 由于供应商选择问题直接影响着企业的最终收益,所以它对企业来说一直是一个重要的决策问题.在以往的研究中,供应商选择仅仅是从产品零部件的角度去考虑而没有从产品的整体出发.此外,传统的供应商选择都是发生在产品设计阶段之后的产品生产阶段.然而,在产品设计初期考虑供应商选择问题可以有效地避免合适供应商的短缺问题.提出了一个基于产品平台的多目标供应商预选方法,并在产品设计初期从产品整体角度建立了一个以最小化产品族外包成本、最小化产品族生产风险以及最小化供应商供应时间为多目标的优化模型,从而有助于决策者在产品开发的早期对产品整体设计方案进行改善.此外,由于产品平台存在部件共享问题,因此在优化模型中也考虑了部件共享对供应商预选结果的影响.采用非支配排序遗传算法(NSGA-Ⅱ)对优化模型进行求解,并通过实际案例来说明提出的优化方法以及求解算法的合理性和有效性. To a manufacture company,supplier selection is always a crucial decision problem which directly impacts the final profits of a company.In previous studies,suppliers are selected only from the view of particular components rather than the whole product.In addition,supplier selection is usually conducted in the stage of product production after the stage of product design in traditional process of product development.However,taking into consideration of supplier selection in the early stage of product development can effectively avoid the shortage of appropriate suppliers.In this paper,a new multi-objective approach to preliminary selection of supplier based on products platform is proposed and a multi-objective optimization model with the objectives of minimizing outsourcing cost,supply risk and leading time of product family from the perspective of whole product is established to help decision-makers improve the overall scheme of product design in early time of product development.In addition,the optimization model takes the impact of component-sharing into consideration,which is common in the product platform,on the result of preliminary selection of suppliers.NSGA-II algorithm is adopted to solve the established optimization model,and a case study is provided to illustrate the rationality and effectiveness of the proposed method and algorithm.
作者 牟立峰 曹岩
出处 《运筹学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第1期31-44,共14页 Operations Research Transactions
基金 国家自然科学基金(No.71302051) 2013年上海高校青年教师培养资助计划
关键词 产品平台 供应商预选 产品族 NSGA-Ⅱ算法 多目标优化 product platform supplier pre-selection product family NSGA-Ⅱ algorithm multi-objective optimization
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