
回流次数对间歇厌氧-好氧反应器处理效果的影响 被引量:2

Effect of reflux times on removing effeciency in the intermittent anaerobic-aerobic batch reactor
摘要 研究了回流次数对间歇厌氧-好氧反应器处理效果的影响。结果表明,回流对硝化过程没有明显影响,3种条件下NH4+-N去除率均能达98%以上。而在回流次数较少的情况下,反硝化过程易受进水负荷的影响。增加回流次数有利于反硝化电子受体(NO3--N)的转移,并充分利用进水中的有机物进行反硝化过程,提高脱氮率。同时,反硝化速率也随回流次数的增加而增加。 The effect of reflux time on treatment efficiency of the intermittent anaerobic-aerobic reactor has been studied. The results show that reflux does not have obvious influence on nitrifying process. Under three kinds of con-ditions,all of the removing rates of NH4+-N can be higher than 98%. However,if the reflux times are not many,the denitrification process is easy to be affected by the effluent loading. Increasing reflux time is good for denitrification electronic objects(NO3--N) deoxidizing to transfer,and make use of the organisms in influent completely for the denitrification process,so as to the denitrification rate. At the same time,the denitrification speed has increased with the increase of reflux times.
出处 《工业水处理》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期30-33,共4页 Industrial Water Treatment
基金 水体污染与治理科技重大专项(2013ZX07310) 陕西省污水处理与资源化重点科技创新团队(2013KCT-13) 陕西省"百人计划"项目 城市污水处理设施升级改造及资源化利用技术(CX12160)
关键词 回流 厌氧 好氧 反硝化速率 reflux anaerobic aerobic denitrification rate
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