目的探讨未湿化鼻导管吸氧法在急诊患者中应用的可行性。方法将680例急诊输氧患者按入院时间的单、双日分为2组,单日为湿化组,双日为未湿化组。湿化组按常规吸氧程序操作,未湿化组患者用干燥的湿化瓶直接吸氧,比较2组患者鼻咽部黏膜干燥发生的概率和程度、湿化瓶污染情况、护士执行氧疗操作时间。结果 2组患者鼻咽部黏膜干燥情况和吸氧后其他不适症状比较无明显差异(P>0.05);湿化组湿化瓶细菌污染率高于未湿化组(P<0.05);护士氧疗操作时间未湿化组少于湿化组(P<0.05)。结论未湿化吸氧不会增加急诊患者鼻咽部黏膜干燥症状和不适感,而且操作简单,既减少了湿化瓶的污染,又缩短了护士执行氧疗操作时间,为危重患者抢救羸得了时间,在急诊科应用具有可行性。
Objective To investigate the possibility of non-humidification oxygen inhalation through nasal catheter in the application of emergency patients.Methods A total of 680 emergency patients with oxygen inhalation were selected. According to the admission date divided into two groups. Single number was in the humidified group. Double number was in the un-humidified group. In the humidified group used conventional oxygen procedure. In the un-humidified group used dry oxygen inhalation.Compare two groups of patients with the rate and degree of nasopharyngeal mucosa drying humidification bottie pollution and the nurse oxygen execution time.Results There was no significant difference of the nasopharyngeal mucosa dry conditions and other symptoms after oxygen (P〉0.05). In the humidified group moisture bottles of bacterial contamination rate is higher than un-humidified group (P〈0.05).In un-humidified group nurse oxygen execution time is less than humidified group (P〈0.05).Conclusion Non-humidification oxygen will not increase the emergency patients symptoms of nasopharyngeal mucosa dry and discomfort, and easy operation, reduce the pollution of humidification bottle, and shortens the time of nurses perform oxygen clare operations. Won the rescue time for critically ill patients, the emergency applied to un-humidified oxygen was feasible.
The Medical Forum
Emergency patients
Oxygen inhalation
Oxygen is not of wetting
Application exploration