本文旨在介绍一例飞利浦brilliance 6排CT的故障排查和维修方案,提出依照日常故障发生概率为导向的分步、分模块故障维护思路,主要针对CT设备的阴极高压模块引起的开机异常提示,快速高效地提出适应的应对措施,从而实现保障正常医疗服务,维护病患权益,提高医院信誉的目标。
This article aims to introduce the case of Philips brilliance 6 row CT troubleshooting and maintenance program, in accordance with the probability of failure-oriented evaluating step. Through the idea of the separating module checking, rapid efficient measures were proposed to address the main exception from cathode high voltage power module in CT equipment. This also achieved goals comprising the protection of normal medical services, maintaining patient advocacy and improving hospital reputation.
China Medical Device Information