
SAPHO综合征2例 被引量:1

Two Cases of Synovitis-acne-pustulosis-hyperostosis-osteitis Syndrome
摘要 例1男,例2女,因双手足掌侧皮疹伴胸骨疼痛或隆起就诊于皮肤科。皮肤病理符合掌跖脓疱病。胸部B超和CT显示为骨炎。诊断:SAPHO综合征。复方甘草酸类制剂和雷公藤多甙片联合治疗有效。 A malepatient and a female patient with red spots, pustules, and scales in both palms and sternum pain or deformity were admitted. Histopathology examination of skin revealed palmoplanter pustulosis. Ultrasonic and CT examination of sternum and ribs showed osteitis. The diagnosis of synovitis-acne-pustulosis-hyperos- tosis-osteitis syndrome was made. Compound glycyrrhizic acid preparation and tyipterygium glycosides were effective.
出处 《中国皮肤性病学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期283-284,共2页 The Chinese Journal of Dermatovenereology
关键词 SAPHO综合征 滑膜炎 痤疮 脓疱疹 骨肥厚 骨炎 Synovitis-acne-pustulosis-hyperostosis-osteitis syndrom Synovitis Acne Pustulosis Hyperostosis Osteitis
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