
抑制模块化多电平变流器谐振的子模块电容参数设计方法 被引量:8

Submodule Capacitor Parameter Design of Modular Multilevel Converters to Avoid System Resonance
摘要 子模块作为模块化多电平变流器的重要组成部分,其电容参数的准确设计对于变流器安全稳定运行起到了极为关键的作用。该文根据模块化多电平变流器稳态工作条件下系统内部电气变量的约束关系,详细推导了桥臂电流与系统传输能量、系统运行状态之间的关系,通过桥臂电流进一步得出了流过子模块电容的电流表达式。考虑子模块电容最高工作电压限制及避免系统谐振,给出了电容容值、最高运行电压这两个重要参数的设计原则与计算方法。基于MATLAB/Simulink的仿真结果证明了所提设计方法的合理性与可行性。 Submodules play an important role in modular multilevel converter and its capacitor parameter design is crucial for the safe and stable operation of modular multilevel converters. Based on the constraint relations of electrical variables within the system under the steady state, the relationship among the arm current, transmission energy and working states was deduced in detail. Then the current flowed through the capacitor was obtained based on the arm current.Considering the maximum working voltage limit and to avoid system resonance, the design principle and the calculation method for the capacitance value and the highest working voltage were proposed. Simulation results based on MATLAB/Simulink prove the rationality and feasibility of the proposed design method.
出处 《中国电机工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2015年第7期1713-1722,共10页 Proceedings of the CSEE
基金 国家863高技术基金项目(2012AA050206)~~
关键词 模块化多电平换流器 参数设计 环流 子模块电容值 系统谐振 modular multilevel converter parameter design circulating current submodule capacitance system resonance
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