
MOOCs环境下高校图书馆服务创新研究 被引量:1

Study on Service Innovation of College and University Libraries under the MOOCs
摘要 被誉为教育史上"一场海啸"的MOOCs(Massive Open Online Courses),2012年席卷全球。2013年始,国内的C9高校及部分985高校也开始纷纷尝试。文章以国内外大环境为背景,通过对MOOCs概括性分析,提出作为我国高等教育链条有机组成部分的高校图书馆,应紧跟MOOCs发展脚步,立足自身,转变角色,创新服务,在通往"教育乌托邦"的道路上做出应有的贡献。 MOOCs( Massive Open Online Courses) which had been described as a " tsunami" of educational history,has a rapid development on a global scale in 2012. From 2013,domestic C9 and some of the 985 colleges and universities have also started to try. Based on the domestic and global environment,this article analyzes the general situation of MOOCs,and puts forward that college and universitiy libraries,as an organic part of Chinese higher education,should follow MOOCs development trend,change roles and innovate services,then make contributions on the way to " education utopia".
作者 孟祥凤
出处 《晋图学刊》 2015年第1期16-19,共4页 Shanxi Library Journal
关键词 MOOCs 大规模开放在线课程 高校图书馆 图书馆服务 MOOCs massive open online courses college and university libraries library service
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