
基于复杂网络的体系作战协同能力分析方法研究 被引量:45

A Methodology for Investigating the Capabilities of Command and Coordination for System of Systems Operation Based on Complex Network Theory
摘要 针对作战体系中类型各异的作战实体及交互关系,从物理域、信息域与认知域的视角,构建由战场空间指控网、信息网和交战网组成的体系作战超网络模型;以体系作战协同自同步能力为研究目标,探讨了多域耦合强度、网络拓扑结构等因素对体系作战协同能力的影响,提出了基于作战环的体系作战同步模型,定义了表征体系作战自同步的全局序参量和局部序参量,并利用演习数据进行了实证分析。 In this paper, we constructed the super network model of SoS operation according to varied types and interactions of agents in the perspective of physics, information and cognition domains, and a triple-layer-super-network model is composed of command network, information network and belligerent network. In order to investigate the capability of the command and coordination for SoS operation, we discussed the influence of the factors, such as coupling intensity between different domains, topological structure of networks, and then proposed synchronization model based on operation loop. Some total order to evaluate the capability of synchronization. At simulating data collected from the manoeuvre. parameters and local order parameters were used last, experiment has been made by utilizing the simulating data collected from the manoeuvre.
出处 《复杂系统与复杂性科学》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2015年第2期9-17,共9页 Complex Systems and Complexity Science
基金 国家自然科学基金(61174156 61273189 61174035 61374179)
关键词 复杂网络 体系作战 超网络 作战环 自同步 complex network system of systems operation super network operation loop synchronization
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