
成人内听道底相关结构的多层螺旋CT解剖学观察 被引量:2

Clinical anatomic observation of internal acoustic meatus and related structures on multi-slice spiral CT images
摘要 目的:应用64层MSCT观测成人内听道底及其相关的解剖结构,为临床应用提供影像解剖学依据。方法筛选2011年4—12月广东省人民医院采用64层MSCT扫描的乳突气化良好、无中耳或内耳病变且无眩晕等平衡功能障碍症状的40例共80耳成人CT资料进行回顾性分析。在MSCT图像上观测:横嵴,横嵴至前庭内侧骨壁的距离( D1),面神经管迷路段、上前庭神经管、下前庭神经管和后壶腹神经管(单管)各管的长度、宽径,以及后壶腹神经管的内听道开口(单孔)至前庭内侧骨壁的距离(D2)。结果80耳的横嵴、面神经管迷路段、上前庭神经管、下前庭神经管和后壶腹神经管、单孔在横断位、冠状位及矢状位均能显示。其中横嵴局部解剖位置清晰、稳定,位于内听道底的中部,内侧缘自前内向后外走行,D1为(1.56±0.55)mm(0.55~2.67 mm)。面神经管迷路段长度(2.60±0.34)mm(1.54~3.27 mm),宽径(0.91±0.23)mm(0.50~1.58 mm);上前庭神经管长度(3.39±0.52) mm(2.50~5.06 mm),宽径(1.03±0.19)mm(0.74~1.62 mm);下前庭神经管长度(1.35±0.27) mm(0.74~2.17 mm),宽径(1.34±0.25)mm(0.85~2.34 mm);后壶腹神经管长度(3.88±0.84) mm (2.58~6.00 mm),宽径(0.63± 0.12) mm (0.42~0.98 mm)。 D2为(2.50±0.72)mm(1.37~5.01 mm)。结论64层螺旋CT能较好地显示位于内听道底的横嵴以及面神经管迷路段、前庭上神经、前庭下神经、后壶腹神经各骨管和单孔的走行及形态特征,为内耳疾病的诊断、鉴别诊断及术前评估提供有参考价值的信息。 Objective To observe the morphologic features of normal fundus of internal acoustic meatus and its related structures on multi-slice spiral CT images. Methods The morphologic features of transverse crests, labyrinth segment of facial nerve canal( FNC) , superior vestibular nerve canal( SVNC) , inferior vestibular nerve canal( IVNC) and posterior ampulla nerve canal ( PANC) were described on MSCT images of 80 ears ( 40 adults ) , with the lengths and diameters of these canals, the distance from the transverse crest to the vestibule (D1), and from the singular foramen to the medial wall of vestibule (D2) measured, respectively. Results The labyrinth segment of FNC, the SVNC, IVNC and PANC were all visible on the multi-slicp spiral CT images of the 80 ears. The mean length/diameter of labyrinth segment of FNC, the SVNC, IVNC and PANC were (2. 60 ± 0. 34) mm/(0. 91 ± 0. 23) mm , (3. 39 ± 0. 52) mm/(1.03 ±0.19)mm, (1.35 ±0.27)mm/(1.34 ±0.25)mm, and (3.88 ±0.84)mm/(0.63 ±0.12)mm, respectively. The mean D1 was (1. 56 ± 0. 55) mm. The mean D2 was (2. 50 ± 0. 72) mm. The medial edges of transverse crests were curved. Conclusions The morphologic features of the labyrinth segment of FNCs, SVNCs, IVNCs, PANCs and transverse crests can be clearly displayed on multi-slicp spiral CT images, which provide helpful information for the differential diagnosis and management of lesions in fundus of internal acoustic meatus.
出处 《中华解剖与临床杂志》 2015年第1期27-31,共5页 Chinese Journal of Anatomy and Clinics
关键词 内耳 内听道底 横嵴 前庭神经骨管 解剖学 体层摄影术 螺旋计算机 Ear,inner Fundus of internal acoustic meatus Transverse crest Vestibular nerve Anatomy Tomography,spiral computed
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